First, you can contact the seller to confirm whether the item has been shipped and whether the tracking number of the shipped item is correct. Then refresh the system and find the tracking number directly in your eBay account shopping record. Click, I see that there is no information on your tracking number here. The possible results are:
1. The seller uploaded a fake tracking number 2. The seller did not contact the post office in time to collect the item after uploading the tracking number 3. EUB system problem However, don’t worry, eBay’s buyer protection policy is that if you do not receive the item within the expected time, you can open a dispute for non-receipt of the item. Generally, the dispute is opened within 45 days after payment. If the seller does not respond to the dispute within 7 days after the dispute is opened, you can directly escalate the case to the eBay customer service specialist for processing
When you open the link of the product you bought, there is a message "You won this auction. | View order details" in the upper left corner. Please click "View order details" and then scroll down. If the seller has not shipped the product yet, it will show your personal opinion. Thank you for your support.