告知卖家您的物品未送达或者您想退货后,他们有 3 个工作日的时间帮您解决问题。您可以不时查看更新,了解接下来需要进行哪些操作。
As long as you haven't received the item by the estimated delivery date, you can contact the seller.
If you are still waiting for the item to be delivered, you can check when the item should be delivered. If the estimated delivery date has passed, please let the seller know so that they can help you solve the problem. They will provide you with detailed delivery information, send you a replacement item, or process a refund for you.
After letting the seller know that your item was not delivered or that you want to return it, they have 3 business days to help you solve the problem. You can check for updates from time to time to find out what you need to do next.