在ebay美国站买东西,很多卖家喜欢使用美国邮政即USPS来寄包裹,一般有first class mail(普通,最慢,到国内15-30天),priority mail(优先级,稍快,到国内7-14天),express mail(特快,到国内3-7天),这个卖家的意思是优先级快件免费,就是使用第二类快递包邮的意思。你最好问下他是否包国际,有些只包美国境内。
When buying things on eBay US, many sellers like to use the United States Postal Service, or USPS, to send packages. Generally, there are first class mail (ordinary, slowest, 15-30 days to domestic delivery), priority mail (priority, slightly faster, 7-14 days to domestic delivery), and express mail (express, 3-7 days to domestic delivery). This seller means that priority express is free, which means that the second class courier is free. You'd better ask if he covers international delivery, as some only cover delivery within the United States.