First of all, a personal account is registered in your own name, while a corporate account is registered in the name of the company. If you are an individual, choose a personal account. If you have a registered company, of course, apply for a corporate account. Generally speaking, the two registration processes are not much different, except that the procedure for registering a corporate account is more complicated.
When listing products, if personal and corporate accounts want to list product information for sale on European sites such as the German site, the seller account must be a business account, which can be applied for through the green channel provided by eBay.
The credit limits for personal accounts and corporate accounts are different. Although the account credit limits are different, they cannot be listed if they exceed a certain limit. The account credit limit is increased by the system platform based on the account's score and performance, and you can also apply for it.
After opening an account, corporate accounts have account managers to assist in account management, while ordinary accounts do not.